Oliver’s 2nd Birthday

My baby boy turned TWO and I can’t handle it. I mean, his birthday was three months ago(šŸ˜… )and I’m still in disbelief. Time has clearly gotten the best of me with Ollie Bean’s birthday, our trip to California, my dad passing away, starting a new product business, breaking my foot, AND a trip to Colorado for a wedding. Good grief! But, I’m back with lots of built up content to share with you all, since well, I’ve been pretty immobile.šŸ˜† Plus side to everything, right? Oliver’s 2nd birthday party was such a great day. Considering it was only mid March, it actually turned out to be an incredibly beautiful day outside and almost everyone was able to make it, even despite COVID circling around. What a lucky little dude!

Reflecting on 2020

Wow, 2020. One of the worst, best, confusing, humbling, hard, and grateful years of my life. Thinking back on it, it would just be easy to say that 2020 has been the worst year imaginable with COVID striking shortly after the year began. There is no denying this was a year full of ups & downs, loss, struggle, isolation, and hardship. But what really stands out, more than anything to me, is all the positive things 2020 has brought me. Sure, I lost my job for awhile and was only brought back part time, but the major positive of that was spending the extra time with Oliver. I got to see and experience things with him I would have otherwise missed. His first steps, his first words, all his super cool dance moves…each of those things are priceless to me. Not only did the extra time off with Oliver bring me joy, but I also had time to learn new things, take classes, and create this blog to share my creativity with you all. Most importantly I learned that nothing is ever guaranteed and to be grateful for everything I have.

Apple Picking and 7 things

Hey guys! I hope everyone had a great weekend! We had a really fun one. We took Oliver to Olbrich Botanical Gardens (he’s obsessed with flowers right now), went on a pizza date as a fam, hit up target, and took Oliver to Eplegaarden, an apple orchard to pick apples and enjoy the beautiful fall weather Wisconsin is having right now. Jam packed, but SO much fun. I figured it had been awhile since I had done a 7 Things post and what better way then to share all these cute apple photos with it šŸ™‚ 1. I am eating Smart Sweets right now and I am just obsessed. The whole bag is only 3g of sugar. Plus, they are plant based, vegan AND free from sugar alcohols. Like, a total guilt free way to eat candy. I’m into it. Not to mention these will be great for Oliver when he gets old enough and figures out what candy is. Until then, I will be eating them all.

7 Ways To Stay Motivated Despite Challenges

Have you ever had a day where you just can’t seem to catch a break and everything is seemingly going wrong? Maybe you’ve lost your job due to a pandemic, maybe you’ve started a new job and it’s your first time working from home, or maybe you’re just down in the dumps and can’t seem to pull through. Whatever it may be, in one way or another, we’ve all been there. Challenges are part of life. It can be hard to get back up once you’ve been knocked down. Sometimes we need help to persevere, so I’ve created a list of 7 ways you can stay motivated no matter what challenges you endure.

Oliver’s 1st Birthday

Happy Birthday Oliver! I canā€™t believe how crazy fast the first year went. Itā€™s kind of insane. I feel like everyday he is learning something new. Heā€™s so smart, so smiley and so beyond sweet. I can’t even begin to explain how amazing it has been watching him grow, watching him laugh and watching him learn to scoot, crawl and walk. One of my favorite parts of watching my baby boy morph into a toddler is watching those tiny little wheels turning in his head. Watching him figure out how to open a door, how to walk from one side of the room to the other, exploring and testing his boundaries, and pointing to people by name. It is truly incredible. My little tiny human isn’t so tiny anymore. And while a big piece of me is sad, the other piece of me is so beyond excited to watch him grow into a handsome little boy. He stole my heart on day one and continues to do so everyday. Oliver has truly turned ordinary into extraordinary.


Happy Friday everyone! What a weird place in time we are in right now. Our whole world is shut down. Itā€™s Spring, 60 degrees out, and everyone is ordered to stay at home until MAY. What!? Currently my situation is a lot like most of the world where my job was deemed ā€œnon essentialā€ and Iā€™m currently unemployed. At first I was super upset and didnā€™t know what on earth I was gonna do with myself. But, it didnā€™t take me long to find the greater good in things.

A Weekend in Door County: FAll 2019

Guyā€™s, this trip was the best. If you know me you know I love all things fall. And for us Wisco folks, Door county is the ā€œitā€ place, come September/October. My birthday being in October I decided I finally wanted to pull the trigger and go. I turned the big “25”, which really means a whole lot of nothing. Well besides copious amounts of overthinking what you haven’t done with your life thus far and you can finally rent a car, wahoo! šŸ˜›

The Perfect Baby Shower

Babyā€™s coming!

I feel like youā€™re either a person that super loves baby showers and all the stale games or youā€™re the person that thinks the games are stale (me) and donā€™t care for rooms filled with all estrogen.

This is why my shower was perfect for me.

My First Month of Motherhood

My sweet baby boy has arrived. He is everything I imagined and even more. You truly donā€™t know how much you can love until you become a mother. You immediately become protective, intuitive, and selfless over night. In just a month your cute little blob of a human (sorry Ollie Bear) becomes your life.

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